Inositol is often referred to as a type of sugar because it has a similar chemical structure to glucose and other simple sugars. However, inositol is not metabolized by the body in the same way as glucose and doesn’t have the same impact on blood sugar levels or insulin secretion.

In fact, some studies have suggested that inositol may actually improve insulin sensitivity and help to regulate blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes.

It’s important to note that while inositol is not a sugar in the traditional sense, it can still contribute calories to the diet. For example, one teaspoon of inositol powder contains approximately 2.5 calories.

It’s also a member of the B vitamin family and is found in many different types of food. 

But what, specifically, is myo inositol?

Well, Inositol is a broad term that refers to a group of nine different naturally occurring compounds, whereas myo-inositol is a specific type of inositol that’s commonly found in foods and used in dietary supplements.

Myo-inositol is the most abundant and well-studied form of inositol in the body, and its often this form of inositol that’s used in dietary supplements. Myo-inositol is an important component of cell membranes and has been shown to be involved in many physiological processes, including insulin signaling, neurotransmitter function, and gene expression.

Other forms of inositol include D-chiro-inositol, scyllo-inositol, and neo-inositol, among others. While these other forms of inositol are less common than myo-inositol, they may also have unique physiological roles and potential health benefits.

So, now we know what myo inositol is, let’s take a look at some of the scientific studies on myo inositol, and what they found.

  1. One study discovered that myo inositol can help with symptoms of PCOS: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. PCOS is a common hormonal disorder in women. Studies have shown that Inositol supplementation can improve the metabolic and hormonal profile in women with PCOS. A study conducted on 50 women with PCOS, aged between 18-40 years, showed that Inositol supplementation improved insulin sensitivity, lowered testosterone levels, and reduced BMI over 6 months of treatment. Dosage was 2 g/day myo-inositol and 200 μg/day folic acid.
  2. Another study found that Inositol can help with mood, depression, and anxiety. This study was conducted on 28 patients with depression and anxiety, and showed that Inositol supplementation improved their symptoms. The patients were given 12 grams of Inositol daily for 4 weeks. The study measured improvements in the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAM-D) and Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety (HAM-A).
  3. Another study found that inositol helped with blood sugar regulation in people with Type 2 Diabetes – this is the point we referenced earlier in the article. This study, conducted on 19 participants with Type 2 Diabetes showed that Inositol supplementation improved insulin sensitivity, decreased blood glucose levels, and lowered hemoglobin A1C levels over 3 months. Dosage was 2 g/day myo-inositol.
  4. Multiple studies have found inositol to help with fertility in both men and women. One study was conducted on 42 men with low sperm count and showed that Inositol supplementation improved sperm quality, including motility and morphology. Another study on 50 women undergoing IVF showed that Inositol supplementation improved oocyte quality and pregnancy rates. Dosage was 2 g/day myo-inositol and 200 μg/day folic acid.
  5. Finally, inositol has been found to help support skin health. A study conducted on 40 women with skin disorders showed that Inositol supplementation improved their skin conditions, such as acne and dryness. Dosage was 2 g/day myo-inositol and 200 μg/day folic acid.

Now onto the top 5 food sources of myo inositol:

  1. Cantaloupe (275 mg/100g)
  2. Grapefruit (200 mg/100g)
  3. Beans (179 mg/100g)
  4. Peanuts (179 mg/100g)
  5. Oatmeal (138 mg/100g)

And if these 5 food sources don’t feature in your food preferences, then supplementation of inositol may be the way to go. Once you’ve chosen the brand and strength of inositol supplement – feel free to browse our range of testing services, where we are able to verify the inositol content and purity of your chosen supplement, before you commit to taking it regularly – so you ensure it doesn’t do you more harm than good.

So, there you have it – everything you need to know about Inositol and myo inositol. 

Thanks for reading!