
Verify the allergens that exist within a food supplement. 15 different allergens can be tested and levels quantified.

Ever wondered if you are actually absorbing the food supplements you consume? Food supplement absorption testing is one of the most accurate ways to find out.

Microbiological testing is essential to ensure the safety of food supplement products – but is not an obligation for manufacturers. Protect the safety of your customers and/or yourself, by ordering one of our microbiological food supplement tests today.

From mainstream supplements such as Vitamin C and Vitamin D, to more specialist food supplements such as Phosphatidylserine, Resveratrol and CoQ10 – we test to verify and quantify the contents of your food supplements.

Contaminants can pose a huge risk to people who take supplements regularly. Even a low level of contamination can have a cumulative, negative effect on health.

Banned pesticides and pesticide residues above permitted limits can cause problems and health risks for people consuming supplements regularly. Check yours to ensure you aren’t being exposed to too many pesticides.

Toxins such as mycotoxins, dioxins, and Pyrrolizidine alkaloids can be severely toxic to humans and are not something you want to be inadvertently consuming as part of a supplement regime to improve your health.