Core Ingredient Supplement Testing 01

Contamination Can Lead to Cumulative Toxicity in People with Consistent Supplement Regimes

In a 2017 independent Consumar Lab review of Vitamin, Mineral, and Herbal Supplement Safety, it was discovered that 31% of the supplements tested did not meet the proposed safety standards regarding contamination.

And whilst undeliberate contamination of supplements from heavy metals and minerals generally stand at a lower level than the above (which showed largely deliberate contamination of sports supplements with steroids and stimulants), the cumulative effect of even slight heavy metal or mineral contamination can present a much more signficant problem – especially in people who consume food supplements daily.

For this reason, it’s especially important to ensure the supplement you are consuming on a regular basis is free of, or at least exposing you to very negligible levels of, heavy metal and mineral contamination.

And if you are a supplement brand/manufacturer – it’s equally important that you display this important credential and point of differentiation to consumers in an ever increasingly competitive marketplace.

For more information on our supplement contaminant testing methodology and scope, please download our specification sheets in the sidebar to the left of this screen.

Here’s just a few of the metal and mineral contaminants that we test for (you can specify which you would like to test for, during the checkout process):

  • Arsenic
  • Lead
  • Chromium
  • Copper
  • Mercury
  • Phosphorous
  • Selenium
  • Sodium
  • Potassium
  • Calcium

Our lab holds Chemical Testing accreditation from A2LA in accordance with the recognized International Standard ISO/IEC 17025:2017 for most core ingredients that we offer testing for.

Here’s some other reasons why we’re the leading lab for supplement testing for both consumers and supplement brands/manufacturers:

With decades of collective experience in chemical and biological testing, our highly experienced team are perfectly placed to ensure a seemless, trouble-free testing process.

We use a state-of-the-art LIMs system for intercepting, recording, and delivering results to our customers in a secure, ultra-reliable way.

Depending on the contaminant being tested, prices can vary – but they start from around just £103 (inc VAT) for individual supplement contaminant analysis. Click the Order button below to build your order and to see specific ingredient pricing.