
Our supplement pesticide testing checks for the presence of 518 known pesticides

Covering algicides, avicides, bactericides, fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, lampricides, miticides, molluscicides, nematicides, rodenticides, slimicides, virucides, alongside the transformation products of pesticides – our supplement pesticide testing identifies and quantifies the presence of 518 possible pesticides in your food supplements.

The combination of widespread International trade alongside vastly different pesticide regulations from Country to Country, means that you may be exposed to chemicals that have actually been banned in your Country – but the raw ingredients in your supplements have been grown in a Country with far more relaxed pesticide laws.

Strangely, even pesticides that are banned in the EU, for instance, can still be manufactured and exported from within the EU, to other Nations that do not ban these substances.

So it’s clear that other Countries still use banned pesticides – which can very easily end-up in supplements (and other products) that are sold in the Countries that ban those same pesticides.

Here’s just a selection of the 518 pesticides that our comprehensive pesticide test checks for (for a comprehensive list, please download the Pesticide Testing Scope document from the sidebar to the left):

  • DEET
  • Dimethomorph
  • Fenpropidin
  • Avermectin
  • Benodanil
  • Carboxin
  • Cyanazine
  • Dichloran
  • Fluoxastrobin
  • Isoprothiolane
  • Propyzamid
  • Tridemorph

Our lab holds Chemical Testing accreditation from A2LA in accordance with the recognized International Standard ISO/IEC 17025:2017 for most core ingredients that we offer testing for.

Here’s some other reasons why we’re the leading lab for supplement testing for both consumers and supplement brands/manufacturers:

With decades of collective experience in chemical and biological testing, our highly experienced team are perfectly placed to ensure a seemless, trouble-free testing process.

We use a state-of-the-art LIMs system for intercepting, recording, and delivering results to our customers in a secure, ultra-reliable way.

Due to you not knowing what type of pesticides your supplement and/or raw ingredients have potentially been exposed to, we test supplements for all 518 different pesticides, for one fixed price of £503 inc VAT. Click the Order button below to build your pesticide-testing order.